Flying Ant Control


Flying ants have elbowed antennae, thin waists, and hind legs that are smaller than their wings, and wings. This helps distinguish them from other winged insects such as termites. They do not cause structural damage to a property, but they are a general nuisance. If you notice a few of them on your property, you likely have an entire colony. Flying ants may get through open windows or doors, so be careful when leaving these things open. Consider using garage, door, and window screens to reduce entry points for them.

bee removal

Tips for Getting Rid of Winged Ants

Vacuum: If you have large ants in your home, you can suck them up with your vacuum. Vacuum them whenever you see them and be sure to empty the vacuum immediately.

Peppermint: Peppermint is a natural ant repellant because it smells like some of its predators. Mix one part dish soap and two parts water with a few drops of peppermint in a bottle. Spray the solution around your home, especially where you see ants.

Pesticide: Pesticide is an effective measure for killing flying ants, but it does not alleviate the problem of the colony. You will still have to put in some work to get rid of the colony. Be sure to wear goggles and be careful if applying the pesticide indoors.

Glue Traps: Glue traps are easily found at your local hardware store and are effective measures of control. The ants will fly on them, get stuck, and die. Place several around your home to maximize their effectiveness.


At Target Pest Control, we provide professional flying ant control services to the Laredo, TX area. Flying ants do not pose a threat to the integrity of your home’s structure, but they are a nuisance. They stay together in swarms, so if you see a few, there is certainly more. You can use some of the tips mentioned above to alleviate the infestation, but a residential exterminator is always your best bet. Contact us today to schedule your flying ant control services!

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